It ain’t easy
These ‘happy’ posts are easy. Essays about sexism, feminism, culture, i.e. ‘Issues’ are easy too. For the ‘happy’ posts, all that’s required is making a list about my day, noting a few good things. For an essay, I just do some research, often something I’m doing for school anyways, maybe form an opinion or take a stance, depending on the type of essay, but really, it’s all pretty academic. I mean, it’s work, but it’s all relatively straightforward.
Blogging about ourselves is sometimes straightforward – like the happy posts from last week. But sometimes, publishing a blog post puts us out on the line. A real line. I talked about this a bit in this post, about how often do we play down our politics.
I’m involved in an action campaign which began through a club at school. The backlash has been personal and at times overwhelming. I’ve debated writing about it but fear potential backlash on my own ground. Of course, without posting about it I can’t enlist the support I might get from the community of bloggers that come here to visit.
Feminist backlash is not just some academic thing that happens to other people. It happened to me and is happening to me still. If I find the courage this weekend I might put up the post. I sure could use the support.
I just want to say that I fully support everything that you stand for and everything that you are. You are an inspiration to many. I know that it is so easier said than done to post what you are fearing but just rememeber that there is group of us that have your back.
Aww thanks A. I know there are a group of us in this, and I hesitate also because I know we’re all feeling the backlash in some way. My posting could also come back on more than just me. Knowing you’re supportive is helpful. Thanks, it means a lot to me to have you say this.
Aubrey wrote a very nice post and I can only say, ditto!